New York Shortly after ten oÕclock (Greenwich time) to-night Utah Ñ the Mormon State Ñ became the thirty-sixth State to ratify the repeal of Prohibition and thus brought the Ògreat experimentÓ to an end. Confusion was caused in the United States to-day when it became known that Utah had decided to postpone her ratification from three oÕclock this afternoon until this evening. The United States had been expecting the end of Prohibition to come in good time for dinner to-night, and UtahÕs postponement meant legally a postponement of the celebrations. But the United States was determined to celebrate, even if it was with illegal liquor. Consequently speakeasy owners who last night said farewell to old and valued clients over a last drink were in happier mood to-day when they learned that Utah had given them another dayÕs grace. By eight oÕclock in the evening noisy sightseers, undeterred by drizzling rain, had completely jammed the traffic in the Broadway district. The 900 policemen on duty were rendered virtually helpless. When the news became known the lynching of ÒOld Man ProhibitionÓ in Broadway was the signal for general rejoicing. The effigy was cut down from a flagpole and dragged in a coffin through Broadway by a camel. The most popular of the many new drinks was a ÒNew DealÓ cocktail. The news from Utah was flashed all over the country by telegraph and wireless, while the delivery vans of newspapers waited ready to speed away with special editions. At hotels, restaurants, and cafes portable bars were used because of the State regulation against drinking at bars. Celebrations were arranged in Greenwich Village Ñ the Chelsea of New York Ñ and in Harlem. Import restrictions have delayed ships with liquor cargoes, but the Majestic and the Scythia, due yesterday, brought the first ÒwetÓ cargoes.